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English translation of reclamo


The word 'claim' in Spanish can be translated as 'reclamo'. It is often used in the context of making a complaint or forwarding a request. Like in English, it can be used both in a legal sense, such as the claim of property, or in casual instances, such as claiming a seat.

Example sentences using: reclamo

Hice un reclamo porque el producto que compré estaba defectuoso.

English translation of Hice un reclamo porque el producto que compré estaba defectuoso.

I made a claim because the product I bought was defective.

This sentence is commonly used to express dissatisfaction with a faulty product. 'Reclamo' is used here to denote 'claim', a demand or request for something considered one's due.

Su reclamo es justo y también creemos que debería obtener un reembolso.

English translation of Su reclamo es justo y también creemos que debería obtener un reembolso.

Your claim is fair and we also believe you should get a refund.

The sentence is a way to express agreement with someone's grievance. In this sentence, 'reclamo' means 'claim', and it is being acknowledged as just or fair by the speaker.

El reclamo del artista radica en su expresión visual única.

English translation of El reclamo del artista radica en su expresión visual única.

The artist's claim lies in his unique visual expression.

In this context, 'reclamo' means 'claim'. It is used to highlight an artist's unique contribution or feature within their artwork.

La compañía de seguros está procesando mi reclamo por daños en el hogar.

English translation of La compañía de seguros está procesando mi reclamo por daños en el hogar.

The insurance company is processing my claim for home damage.

This sentence is often used when discussing matters related to insurance. Here, 'reclamo' refers to a 'claim' made by a policy holder to an insurance company for reimbursement for damages.

Estoy presentando un reclamo laboral debido a condiciones inseguras de trabajo.

English translation of Estoy presentando un reclamo laboral debido a condiciones inseguras de trabajo.

I'm filing a work claim due to unsafe working conditions.

This phrase is typically used in a workplace context. Here, 'reclamo' pertains to a 'claim' that is being filed against unsafe working conditions.

Estoy esperando la respuesta a mi reclamo por los cargos injustos.

English translation of Estoy esperando la respuesta a mi reclamo por los cargos injustos.

I'm waiting for the response to my claim for unfair charges.

The sentence is used when disputing incorrect or unfair charges. In this case, 'reclamo' means 'claim' against something unjust.

El abogado presentó un reclamo en nombre de su cliente.

English translation of El abogado presentó un reclamo en nombre de su cliente.

The lawyer filed a claim on behalf of his client.

This sentence shows a claim being filed by a lawyer for his client in a legal context. Here, 'reclamo' refers to a 'claim' being made in a legal sense.

Mi reclamo por el accidente de coche fue rechazado por la compañía de seguros.

English translation of Mi reclamo por el accidente de coche fue rechazado por la compañía de seguros.

My claim for the car accident was rejected by the insurance company.

This sentence describes a scenario where insurance claim has been turned down. The term 'reclamo' here is used to denote an insurance 'claim'.

El reclamo de los trabajadores por salarios más altos fue ignorado.

English translation of El reclamo de los trabajadores por salarios más altos fue ignorado.

The workers' claim for higher wages was ignored.

This phrase is generally used in the context of labour disputes. Here, 'reclamo' is used to denote the workers' 'claim' for higher wages.

Tienes que hacer un reclamo formal ante la comisión de igualdad de oportunidades de empleo.

English translation of Tienes que hacer un reclamo formal ante la comisión de igualdad de oportunidades de empleo.

You have to make a formal claim before the equal employment opportunity commission.

This phrase is often used in legal and employment context. Here, 'reclamo' is used to mean a 'claim', particularly made to an official body about a particular issue or problem at workplace.

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