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English translation of recientemente


The Spanish word 'recientemente' is an adverb used to express an action or state that occurred in the very recent past. It's equivalent to the English word 'recently'. Keep in mind that, like in English, you generally place this adverb after the main verb. For example, 'He visitado España recientemente' (I have recently visited Spain).

Example sentences using: recientemente

Yo he comprado un coche recientemente.

English translation of Yo he comprado un coche recientemente.

I have recently bought a car.

In this sentence 'recientemente' is placed at the end, emphasizing the time ('recently') of the action (buying a car).

Recientemente, nos mudamos a una nueva casa.

English translation of Recientemente, nos mudamos a una nueva casa.

Recently, we moved to a new house.

Here, 'recientemente' is used at the beginning of the sentence, followed by a comma, to indicate the recent nature of the action.

Hemos decidido recientemente adoptar un perro.

English translation of Hemos decidido recientemente adoptar un perro.

We have recently decided to adopt a dog.

In this case, 'recientemente' is used after the verb 'decidido' to show that the decision (to adopt a dog) happened recently.

Mi hermano recientemente comenzó a trabajar.

English translation of Mi hermano recientemente comenzó a trabajar.

My brother recently started working.

Here, 'recientemente' is placed before the verb (comenzó) to indicate that the action (started working) has recently occurred.

He hecho amistad con ella recientemente.

English translation of He hecho amistad con ella recientemente.

I have recently become friends with her.

This sentence places 'recientemente' at the end to emphasise the recency of the action (become friends).

Recientemente, han abierto una nueva tienda en nuestra ciudad.

English translation of Recientemente, han abierto una nueva tienda en nuestra ciudad.

Recently, they have opened a new store in our town.

This sentence starts with 'recientemente', indicating the recent occurrence of the event (opening of a new store).

Recientemente visité a mi abuela.

English translation of Recientemente visité a mi abuela.

I recently visited my grandmother.

This sentence uses 'recientemente' before the verb 'visité', to indicate that the visit to grandmother is a recent event.

Ella ha recientemente obtenido su licencia de conducir.

English translation of Ella ha recientemente obtenido su licencia de conducir.

She has recently obtained her driving license.

This sentence uses 'recientemente' after the auxiliary verb 'ha' to indicate that obtaining the driving license is a recent occasion.

Hemos recientemente adoptado una alimentación saludable.

English translation of Hemos recientemente adoptado una alimentación saludable.

We have recently adopted a healthy diet.

This sentence places 'recientemente' after the auxiliary verb 'hemos', implies the recentemess of the action (adopting a healthy diet).

Recientemente, tuve una conversación interesante con él.

English translation of Recientemente, tuve una conversación interesante con él.

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with him.

In this case, 'recientemente' is the first word of the sentence, setting the time frame (recently) for the action (had an interesting conversation).

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