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reciclar papel

English translation of reciclar papel

recycling paper

The phrase 'reciclar papel' in Spanish translates to 'recycling paper' in English. This is a term that describes the process of converting waste paper into new paper products. It is an important strategy to implement for waste management and environmental protection. By recycling paper, we can reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and save trees from being cut down for raw material for making new paper.

Example sentences using: reciclar papel

Deberíamos reciclar papel para ayudar al medio ambiente.

English translation of Deberíamos reciclar papel para ayudar al medio ambiente.

We should recycle paper to help the environment.

This sentence is referencing the environmental benefit of recycling paper. It's suggesting an action (recycling paper) that could help protect the environment.

El ayuntamiento ha lanzado una campaña para incentivar a reciclar papel.

English translation of El ayuntamiento ha lanzado una campaña para incentivar a reciclar papel.

The city council has launched a campaign to encourage paper recycling.

This sentence is about a city council that's starting a campaign. The campaign's aim is to motivate people to recycle paper more frequently.

Cuando termines de leer el periódico, no olvides reciclar papel.

English translation of Cuando termines de leer el periódico, no olvides reciclar papel.

When you're done reading the newspaper, don't forget to recycle the paper.

This sentence is a reminder to recycle the paper after reading the newspaper. It's promoting the idea of recycling as a regular habit after certain activities.

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