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English translation of recibo


The Spanish word 'recibo' translates in English to 'receipt'. A 'recibo' is a written acknowledgment that something of value has been transferred from one party to another. In additional to the physical goods or services, the receipt often includes the date, price, and particulars of the sale or transaction in it. It serves as a proof of purchase.

Example sentences using: recibo

Recibo muchas cartas todos los días.

English translation of Recibo muchas cartas todos los días.

I receive many letters every day.

In this sentence, 'recibo' is used as the first-person singular form of the verb 'recibir' in the present tense, meaning 'I receive'.

¿Dónde está el recibo de la cena de anoche?

English translation of ¿Dónde está el recibo de la cena de anoche?

Where is the receipt from last night's dinner?

Here, 'recibo' is used as a noun to refer to a receipt, a document acknowledging payment.

Necesito verificar el recibo antes de salir de la tienda.

English translation of Necesito verificar el recibo antes de salir de la tienda.

I need to verify the receipt before leaving the store.

In this context, 'recibo' also stands for a receipt. It is the object that needs to be verified in the action expressed by the sentence.

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