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English translation of recaída


The Spanish word 'recaída' translates to 'relapsed' in English. This term is commonly used in a medical context where a person, after showing improvement, falls back into a former state, especially one involving ill health. However, it can also be applied metaphorically in various situations. For instance, if a person has made some progress in breaking a certain habit or improving some aspect of personal behavior and then unexpectedly goes back to their old undesired behavior, this is also called a relapse or 'recaída'.

Example sentences using: recaída

Juan tuvo una recaída después de dejar de beber.

English translation of Juan tuvo una recaída después de dejar de beber.

Juan had a relapse after he stopped drinking.

In this sentence, 'recaída' is used to refer to a person returning to a previous state or condition, generally referring to a negative habit or addiction like drinking.

La recaída de la enfermedad afectó su capacidad para trabajar.

English translation of La recaída de la enfermedad afectó su capacidad para trabajar.

The recurrence of the disease affected his ability to work.

Here, 'recaída' is used as the recurrence of a disease, indicating a relapse or return of symptoms that had previously improved or disappeared.

Después de la terapia, Laura tuvo una recaída de su depresión.

English translation of Después de la terapia, Laura tuvo una recaída de su depresión.

After therapy, Laura experienced a relapse of her depression.

In this example, 'recaída' describes the return of symptoms of a mental health condition, here being depression, despite ongoing treatment or after a period of improvement.

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