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English translation of rebeldía


The Spanish word 'rebeldía' translates to 'rebellion' in English. It is typically used to describe an act of resistance against an established authority, control, or tradition. Often it is associated with nonconformity to a system, defiance, insubordination, or dissent. This word is commonly used in both everyday conversation and formal contexts such as literature and news reporting.

Example sentences using: rebeldía

El despertar de su rebeldía marcó una nueva etapa en su vida.

English translation of El despertar de su rebeldía marcó una nueva etapa en su vida.

The awakening of his rebellion marked a new stage in his life.

In this phrase, the person's internal struggle begins to show as they start to reject established rules or guidance, signaling a significant change or turning point in their life.

La rebeldía juvenil a veces puede conducir a problemas graves.

English translation of La rebeldía juvenil a veces puede conducir a problemas graves.

Youthful rebellion can sometimes lead to serious problems.

This phrase suggests that young people's desire to break away from convention and show their independence can sometimes result in unforeseen and potentially harmful situations.

Usó su rebeldía como fuente de inspiración para su música.

English translation of Usó su rebeldía como fuente de inspiración para su música.

He used his rebellion as a source of inspiration for his music.

In this case, the individual's rebellious nature is portrayed in a positive light where their defiance towards the norm becomes the catalyst or creative energy that fuels their musical expression.

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