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English translation of realidad


The Spanish word 'realidad' directly translates to 'reality' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, to denote things as they are, or the truth. For example, it could be used in a sentence like 'La realidad es dura', which translates to 'Reality is hard'.

Example sentences using: realidad

La realidad es dura.

English translation of La realidad es dura.

Reality is harsh.

This phrase carries a similar meaning in both languages. It is used to express the harsh or difficult circumstances that may come with reality or life.

No puedo creer esta realidad.

English translation of No puedo creer esta realidad.

I can't believe this reality.

This phrase communicates disbelief or shock regarding the current situation or realities. It is commonly used when faced with surprising or unexpected circumstances.

La realidad supera la ficción.

English translation of La realidad supera la ficción.

Reality surpasses fiction.

This phrase is similar to the English idiom 'truth is stranger than fiction'. It is used when real life events are considered more extraordinary than a created story.

Es tu realidad, no la mía.

English translation of Es tu realidad, no la mía.

It's your reality, not mine.

This phrase is used to express different perceptions of reality. It can be used when someone disagrees with another person's perspective or understanding of a situation.

La realidad siempre es relativa.

English translation of La realidad siempre es relativa.

Reality is always relative.

This phrase indicates that the perception of reality often differs from person to person. It's often used in philosophical or deep discussions.

Vivimos en una realidad distorsionada.

English translation of Vivimos en una realidad distorsionada.

We live in a distorted reality.

This phrase is used to express a state of circumstances that are not what they seem or are distorted from the truth. It could be used metaphorically in certain conversations.

La realidad no está en nuestros sueños.

English translation of La realidad no está en nuestros sueños.

Reality is not in our dreams.

This phrase indicates that what we dream or imagine does not always reflect reality. It's used to express the difference or gap between aspirations and real life.

La realidad es nuestro espejo.

English translation of La realidad es nuestro espejo.

Reality is our mirror.

This phrase symbolizes that reality reflects our actions, decisions, or behaviors, similar to how a mirror reflects our physical appearances.

A veces, la realidad duele.

English translation of A veces, la realidad duele.

Sometimes, reality hurts.

This phrase expresses the emotional pain or discomfort that can accompany confronting truth or reality. It is used when acknowledging difficult truths.

Nuestra percepción determina nuestra realidad.

English translation of Nuestra percepción determina nuestra realidad.

Our perception determines our reality.

This phrase is often used to highlight how our personal perspective or viewpoint shapes our understanding or interpretation of reality.

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