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English translation of re


The term 're' itself is quite versatile in Spanish language. While it doesn't have a direct translation in English, it is often used as an intensifier in informal conversations. It could be somewhat equated to words in English like 'very' or 'really.' For instance, 're lindo' would translate to 'really cute.' It is to be noted that the usage of 're' may vary among different regions in the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences using: re

Reprobé el examen

English translation of Reprobé el examen

I failed the exam

This is an example of using 're' (failed) in a past tense context. Reprobar is a verb that must agree with the subject in tense and person. 'Re' (fail) is a negative outcome, often indicating that the speaker did not pass a test or course.

Vamos a rehacerlo

English translation of Vamos a rehacerlo

Let's redo it

In this phrase, 're' serves as a prefix in 'rehacerlo' (redo it). When 're' is used in this way, it gives the verb it precedes a sense of repetitiveness. Thus, 'rehacerlo' indicates a repetition of the action of doing it.

El libro fue reeditado

English translation of El libro fue reeditado

The book was republished

This sentence demonstrates the use of 're' as a prefix in 'reeditado' (republished), suggesting an action is being repeated. It typically translates to 're' in English. So 'reeditado' refers to a book being published again.

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