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ráfaga de viento

English translation of ráfaga de viento

wind gust

The Spanish term 'ráfaga de viento' translates to 'wind gust' in English. Essentially, this term is used to describe a brief, high-speed increase in wind force that typically lasts fewer than 20 seconds. Wind gusts can occur during storms, hurricanes, or even on clear, sunny days. They are usually a result of the uneven heating of the Earth's surface, which creates pockets of air with different temperatures and pressures, resulting in wind. Understanding this term is essential in weather forecasting as it helps identify potentially dangerous weather conditions.

Example sentences using: ráfaga de viento

El sombrero voló a causa de una ráfaga de viento.

English translation of El sombrero voló a causa de una ráfaga de viento.

The hat flew off due to a gust of wind.

The sentence demonstrates how a gust of wind was strong enough to blow off a hat.

Una fuerte ráfaga de viento estremeció la ventana.

English translation of Una fuerte ráfaga de viento estremeció la ventana.

A strong gust of wind shook the window.

This sentence is used to describe a situation where a strong gust of wind is causing a window to shake.

El árbol fue derribado por una rápida ráfaga de viento.

English translation of El árbol fue derribado por una rápida ráfaga de viento.

The tree was knocked down by a quick gust of wind.

The example sentence explains that a tree was knocked down due to a quick gust of wind, as the gust was strong enough to cause physical change.

Podía sentir la ráfaga de viento fría en su rostro.

English translation of Podía sentir la ráfaga de viento fría en su rostro.

He could feel the cold gust of wind on his face.

The given sentence conveys that a person could feel a cold gust of wind on his face, the sensation of the wind is being emphasized.

La rápida ráfaga de viento volcó el paraguas.

English translation of La rápida ráfaga de viento volcó el paraguas.

The quick gust of wind flipped the umbrella.

This sentence describes a scene where an umbrella is flipped over because of a quick gust of wind.

La ráfaga de viento hizo chillar a las hojas de los árboles.

English translation of La ráfaga de viento hizo chillar a las hojas de los árboles.

The gust of wind made the tree leaves rustle.

In this sentence, the action of a gust of wind causing tree leaves to rustle is described.

El papel se arrugó bajo la fuerte ráfaga de viento.

English translation of El papel se arrugó bajo la fuerte ráfaga de viento.

The paper wrinkled under the strong gust of wind.

It is a descriptive sentence where a paper is getting wrinkled because of a strong gust of wind.

La ráfaga de viento dificultaba su caminata.

English translation of La ráfaga de viento dificultaba su caminata.

The gust of wind made his walk difficult.

This sentence describes a scenario where a person's walking becomes difficult because of a gust of wind.

Una repentina ráfaga de viento disipó las nubes.

English translation of Una repentina ráfaga de viento disipó las nubes.

A sudden gust of wind dispersed the clouds.

This sentence conveys how a sudden gust of wind can affect cloud dispersion.

La ropa en el tendedero fue arrastrada por la ráfaga de viento.

English translation of La ropa en el tendedero fue arrastrada por la ráfaga de viento.

The clothes on the clothesline were blown away by the gust of wind.

The sentence narrates how clothes hanging on a clothesline are blown away by a gust of wind.

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