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English translation of radiología


Radiología, a Spanish term that translates to radiology in English, is a branch of medicine that uses radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Often, both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation are used. This area of medicine is divided into two main areas - diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology. Diagnostico radiology concerns with imaging test treatments such as X-rays and MRIS, it aids with the process of diagnosing illnesses. While interventional radiology involves minimally invasive, image-guided treatment of medical conditions that once required open surgery.

Example sentences using: radiología

Estudio en la facultad de radiología.

English translation of Estudio en la facultad de radiología.

I study at the radiology faculty.

This phrase refers to an individual who is studying in the radiology faculty of a university or educational institution.

Mi doctora quiere que yo haga un examen de radiología.

English translation of Mi doctora quiere que yo haga un examen de radiología.

My doctor wants me to have a radiology exam.

This phrase is used when a doctor recommends a patient to undergo a radiology exam, which can include various types of imaging, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans.

La radiología puede apoyar en el diagnóstico de enfermedades óseas.

English translation of La radiología puede apoyar en el diagnóstico de enfermedades óseas.

Radiology can support the diagnosis of bone diseases.

This sentence explains how radiology, as a branch of medical sciences, can be used to aid in diagnosing diseases, specifically those related to bones.

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