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quemarse la espalda

English translation of quemarse la espalda

Burn your back

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse la espalda' translates to 'burn your back' in English. It can be used literally, to denote the act of one's back being physically burned, perhaps as a result of exposure to high heat or sunburn. However, it might also be used figuratively in the Spanish language, implying a betrayal, in a similar context to the English expression 'stab in the back'. It's a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts, depending on its intended meaning.

Example sentences using: quemarse la espalda

Me quemé la espalda bajo el sol mientras estaba en la playa.

English translation of Me quemé la espalda bajo el sol mientras estaba en la playa.

I burned my back under the sun while I was at the beach.

This sentence means that the speaker exposed their back to the sun, resulting in a burn. It can be used figuratively to say that you got hurt or made a mistake.

Debes tener cuidado de no quemarte la espalda mientras trabajas en el jardín.

English translation of Debes tener cuidado de no quemarte la espalda mientras trabajas en el jardín.

You should be careful not to burn your back while you are working in the garden.

This sentence means the speaker is advising someone to avoid sunburn while doing outdoor chores. This can also be used to give caution to avoid getting into trouble.

Después de quemarse la espalda en su último trabajo, Tomás prometió ser más cuidadoso.

English translation of Después de quemarse la espalda en su último trabajo, Tomás prometió ser más cuidadoso.

After burning his back at his last job, Tomás promised to be more careful.

This sentence means that Tomás learned a hard lesson (lit: got burned) at his previous job and pledged to avoid such mistakes in the future. It can be used to express learning from harsh experiences.

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