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quedarse sin voz

English translation of quedarse sin voz

to be left without a voice

The Spanish term 'quedarse sin voz' translates to 'to be left without a voice' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a situation where someone loses their ability to speak, either due to a physical condition such as a sore throat, shock, or even due to strong emotions. It could also be used metaphorically to describe a situation where someone is left speechless or unable to express their thoughts or feelings.

Example sentences using: quedarse sin voz

Después de gritar durante todo el partido, Pedro se quedó sin voz.

English translation of Después de gritar durante todo el partido, Pedro se quedó sin voz.

After shouting throughout the entire match, Pedro lost his voice.

In this context, 'quedarse sin voz' is used to describe a person losing their voice, commonly after a situation where they have had to use it extensively, such as screaming or shouting in a match, concert or event.

Si cantas demasiado alto, puedes quedarte sin voz.

English translation of Si cantas demasiado alto, puedes quedarte sin voz.

If you sing too loud, you can lose your voice.

In this example, 'quedarse sin voz' is used as a warning for the potential consequence of singing too loud, which can strain the vocal cords and result in a temporary inability to speak or 'losing one's voice'.

Cuando recibió la noticia sorpresiva, se quedó sin voz.

English translation of Cuando recibió la noticia sorpresiva, se quedó sin voz.

When he received the surprising news, he was speechless.

This illustrates an emotional context in which 'quedarse sin voz' literally means 'to become without voice', effectively conveying the idea that one is so surprised, shocked or moved that they are unable to speak.

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