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punto de encuentro

English translation of punto de encuentro

meeting point

The Spanish term 'punto de encuentro' translates to 'meeting point' in English. It is a common term used in navigation and social organization, denoting a specific place where individuals or groups are supposed to gather or meet. It is often used in the context of events, emergencies, outings, or social gatherings to designate a place where all participating individuals can easily find each other.

Example sentences using: punto de encuentro

El punto de encuentro para la visita al museo es la entrada principal.

English translation of El punto de encuentro para la visita al museo es la entrada principal.

The meeting point for the museum visit is the main entrance.

In this statement, 'punto de encuentro' is referred to a specific location where a group of people agrees to meet at a certain time. In this case, it's for a museum visit and the location is the main entrance of the museum.

Debemos establecer un punto de encuentro en caso de una emergencia.

English translation of Debemos establecer un punto de encuentro en caso de una emergencia.

We must establish a meeting point in case of an emergency.

This sentence explains a strategy often used for safety purposes where a 'punto de encuentro' or meeting point is established. In an emergency when everybody has to evacuate a building, this meeting point ensures that everyone can find each other safely.

English translation of El parque central es un popular punto de encuentro para los jóvenes.

The central park is a popular meeting point for young people.

Here 'punto de encuentro' is used to denote a popular location where young people gather. In this context, central park serves as a common gathering (meeting) spot.

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