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English translation of pulcritud


The word 'pulcritud' in Spanish does not exactly translate to 'polishing' in English as suggested. It more accurately translates to 'neatness', 'tidiness' or 'purity'. It is typically used in the context to describe a person, place or thing that is characterized by careful neatness, cleanliness or purity. For instance, it can refer to a person who is immaculately dressed, a well-organized room, or thoughts and actions that are virtuous and incorruptible.

Example sentences using: pulcritud

Su pulcritud a la hora de vestir es admirable.

English translation of Su pulcritud a la hora de vestir es admirable.

His neatness when dressing is admirable.

This sentence refers to a person's meticulousness in their style of dress. The word 'pulcritud' is being used to highlight this aspect of their presentation.

La pulcritud de su hogar siempre impresiona a los visitantes.

English translation of La pulcritud de su hogar siempre impresiona a los visitantes.

The neatness of her home always impresses visitors.

This sentence is about the cleanliness and tidiness of a person's home. Here, 'pulcritud' is used to describe the clean and orderly state of the house.

Valora la pulcritud en sus trabajos de arte.

English translation of Valora la pulcritud en sus trabajos de arte.

He values neatness in his art works.

This sentence talks about an artist who values meticulousness in their artwork. 'Pulcritud' is used here to indicate the attention to detail and careful execution in the artist's work.

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