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puesto de socorro

English translation of puesto de socorro

aid station

The Spanish phrase 'puesto de socorro' translates to 'aid station' in English. An aid station is a temporary facility, often set up in emergency situations, where varying degrees of medical services are provided. This could range from first aid treatment to more extensive medical procedures. When translated word by word, 'puesto' means 'post' or 'station', and 'socorro' means 'aid' or 'help'. The phrase 'puesto de socorro' is commonly used in Spanish speaking countries in contexts related to healthcare, emergency services and disaster response.

Example sentences using: puesto de socorro

Creo que necesito ir al puesto de socorro, me siento mal.

English translation of Creo que necesito ir al puesto de socorro, me siento mal.

I think I need to go to the first aid station, I feel bad.

In this sentence, the speaker is voicing a feeling of physical discomfort and the needing to go to the 'puesto de socorro' or first aid station. This implies that the speaker may be feeling sick or injured.

El puesto de socorro está al final del pasillo.

English translation of El puesto de socorro está al final del pasillo.

The first aid station is at the end of the hallway.

This sentence is giving directions to the location of the 'puesto de socorro' or first aid station, conveying that it is located at the end of the hallway. This could be used in a situation where someone is asking for help or looking for the first aid station.

Trabajo en el puesto de socorro de la playa durante el verano.

English translation of Trabajo en el puesto de socorro de la playa durante el verano.

I work at the beach's first aid station during the summer.

In this phrase, the speaker describes that their employment during the summer is at the 'puesto de socorro' or first aid station at the beach. It suggests that the person's job involves providing first aid assistance to beachgoers during the summer season.

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