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publicar un libro

English translation of publicar un libro

publish a book

The Spanish phrase 'publicar un libro' translates to 'publish a book' in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as in discussing the process of making a book available to the public for purchase. This phrase is often used in the publishing industry, and can be employed when talking about an author's goal to commercially distribute their written work.

Example sentences using: publicar un libro

Ella tiene la esperanza de publicar un libro después de su graduación.

English translation of Ella tiene la esperanza de publicar un libro después de su graduación.

She has the hope of publishing a book after her graduation.

This sentence is used to denote future aspirations. In this case, she aspires to publish a book after she graduates.

Mi sueño es publicar un libro acerca de mi pastelería.

English translation of Mi sueño es publicar un libro acerca de mi pastelería.

My dream is to publish a book about my bakery.

This sentence is used to express personal objectives or dreams. In this case, the individual has a dream of publishing a book about their bakery.

Van a publicar un libro sobre la historia de sus viajes.

English translation of Van a publicar un libro sobre la historia de sus viajes.

They are going to publish a book about the history of their travels.

This sentence is used to express future plans or intentions. In this context, they plan to publish a book about the history of their travels.

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