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English translation of prueba


The term 'prueba' is used in numerous contexts in Spanish. Just like in English, it can refer to a test or exam at school, a trial period for a job, or a test run or experiment of something. It is also commonly used in phrases to infer checking or trying something out, similar to how we use 'test' in English.

Example sentences using: prueba

Tengo miedo a la prueba.

English translation of Tengo miedo a la prueba.

I'm afraid of the test.

'Prueba' here refers to a test that causes fear - possibly an exam or a challenge.

Este es un coche de prueba.

English translation of Este es un coche de prueba.

This is a test car.

‘Prueba’ is used here to denote a car that is used for testing purposes.

Esta es la prueba final.

English translation of Esta es la prueba final.

This is the final test.

In this sentence, 'prueba' is used in an academic context to refer to an end-of-course test or exam.

La prueba de conducir es difícil.

English translation of La prueba de conducir es difícil.

The driving test is difficult.

‘Prueba’ is used to signify a driving test here. Notice usage of 'de' to link the test with driving.

Esta es una prueba.

English translation of Esta es una prueba.

This is a test.

Here, 'prueba' is used to refer to a test or a trial of some kind. Notice how the verb 'es' is used to demonstrate being or existence.

¿Pasaste la prueba?

English translation of ¿Pasaste la prueba?

Did you pass the test?

In this context, 'prueba' is used to denote an exam or test. The verb 'pasaste' indicates past tense of passing.

Necesito más práctica para la prueba.

English translation of Necesito más práctica para la prueba.

I need more practice for the test.

'Prueba' is used here to mean a test or exam that requires preparation.

La prueba de fuego ha comenzado.

English translation of La prueba de fuego ha comenzado.

The fire test has begun.

Here, 'prueba de fuego' is a figurative language often referring to a difficult challenge or ordeal.

Voy a hacer una prueba.

English translation of Voy a hacer una prueba.

I am going to take a test.

'Prueba' is referred to any kind of test, can be academic or a trial.

La prueba de ADN confirmó las sospechas.

English translation of La prueba de ADN confirmó las sospechas.

The DNA test confirmed the suspicions.

In this sentence, 'prueba' refers to a scientific test, specifically a DNA (ADN in Spanish) test.

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