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protegerse de la radiación solar

English translation of protegerse de la radiación solar

protected from solar radiation

The Spanish phrase 'protegerse de la radiación solar' translates to 'protect from solar radiation' in English. It refers to seeking shelter or using protection against the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. This might include wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen, or staying in the shade during the peak hours of sunlight.

Example sentences using: protegerse de la radiación solar

La crema de protección solar puede ayudar a protegerse de la radiación solar.

English translation of La crema de protección solar puede ayudar a protegerse de la radiación solar.

Sunscreen lotion can help to protect against solar radiation.

The sentence encourages the use of sunscreen lotion to guard against dangerous solar radiation.

Para protegerse de la radiación solar, se deben usar gafas de sol y sombrero.

English translation of Para protegerse de la radiación solar, se deben usar gafas de sol y sombrero.

To protect against solar radiation, you should wear sunglasses and a hat.

This statement suggests wearing sunglasses and a hat as methods of protecting against solar radiation.

Debemos enseñar a los niños a protegerse de la radiación solar desde una edad temprana.

English translation of Debemos enseñar a los niños a protegerse de la radiación solar desde una edad temprana.

We must teach children to protect against solar radiation from an early age.

This sentence stresses the importance of educating children about sun protection from their early years.

Es fundamental protegerse de la radiación solar para evitar enfermedades de la piel.

English translation of Es fundamental protegerse de la radiación solar para evitar enfermedades de la piel.

It is essential to protect against solar radiation to prevent skin diseases.

This sentence highlights the risks of skin diseases when not protected against solar radiation.

Los dermatólogos hacen hincapié en protegerse de la radiación solar.

English translation of Los dermatólogos hacen hincapié en protegerse de la radiación solar.

Dermatologists emphasize protecting against solar radiation.

This sentence points out that dermatologists strongly urge protection against exposure to solar radiation.

Durante el verano, es crucial protegerse de la radiación solar.

English translation of Durante el verano, es crucial protegerse de la radiación solar.

During the summer, it is crucial to protect against solar radiation.

This sentence describes the importance of solar protection, particularly during summer.

Protegerse de la radiación solar no solo implica usar protector solar, sino también buscar sombra.

English translation of Protegerse de la radiación solar no solo implica usar protector solar, sino también buscar sombra.

Protecting against solar radiation involves not only wearing sunscreen but also seeking shade.

The sentence elaborates that solar protection includes actions like seeking shade, not just applying sunscreen.

La ropa de color claro puede ayudar a protegerse de la radiación solar.

English translation of La ropa de color claro puede ayudar a protegerse de la radiación solar.

Light-colored clothing can help protect against solar radiation.

This statement advises wearing light-colored clothes as another way to protect oneself from solar radiation.

Antes de salir a correr, recordó protegerse de la radiación solar.

English translation of Antes de salir a correr, recordó protegerse de la radiación solar.

Before going for a run, he remembered to protect against solar radiation.

This sentence talks about a person remembering to protect themselves from solar radiation before running outdoors.

Es importante protegerse de la radiación solar cuando se visita la playa.

English translation of Es importante protegerse de la radiación solar cuando se visita la playa.

It is important to protect against solar radiation when visiting the beach.

This sentence emphasizes on the importance of sun protection while hitting the beach to avoid any harmful solar radiation.

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