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English translation of prospecto


The term 'prospecto' in the Spanish language translates directly to 'prospect' in English. It is commonly used in contexts where there is a possibility or expectation of something happening in the future. This could be referring to the potential for business opportunities, the likelihood of an event occurring, or the potential performance or success of a person within a particular field. It invokes a sense of anticipation and future possibilities.

Example sentences using: prospecto

El prospecto de este medicamento parece complicado.

English translation of El prospecto de este medicamento parece complicado.

The prospectus of this medicine seems complicated.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'prospecto' in a context where someone finds the information given about a medication to be difficult to understand.

He leído el prospecto de la universidad y me parece interesante.

English translation of He leído el prospecto de la universidad y me parece interesante.

I have read the university prospectus and I find it interesting.

In this example, 'prospecto' is used to refer to an informational document about an institution, in this case, a university, that someone has found appealing.

Por favor, antes de usar el producto, consulte el prospecto.

English translation of Por favor, antes de usar el producto, consulte el prospecto.

Please, before using the product, consult the prospectus.

This sentence reflects the use of 'prospecto' as a document or informational guide that should be consulted before using a specific product, emphasizing its importance.

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