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proporcionar cariño

English translation of proporcionar cariño

provide affection

The Spanish phrase 'proporcionar cariño' translates to 'provide affection' in English. This can refer to the act of showing love, care, or affection towards someone else. It is often used in the context of relationships and emotional exchanges between people. The verb 'proporcionar' means 'to provide' and 'cariño' means 'affection', showing a sense of fondness or liking.

Example sentences using: proporcionar cariño

Proporcionar cariño a un animal abandonado puede cambiar su comportamiento.

English translation of Proporcionar cariño a un animal abandonado puede cambiar su comportamiento.

Providing affection to an abandoned animal can change its behavior.

This phrase means that showing affection to an abandoned animal can result in a change in its behavior, likely a more positive behavior.

Es importante proporcionar cariño a los niños para su desarrollo emocional.

English translation of Es importante proporcionar cariño a los niños para su desarrollo emocional.

It's important to provide affection to children for their emotional development.

This is stating that giving affection to children is crucial in helping them develop emotionally.

Enseñar a los niños a proporcionar cariño puede ayudarles a desarrollar su empatía.

English translation of Enseñar a los niños a proporcionar cariño puede ayudarles a desarrollar su empatía.

Teaching children how to give affection can help them develop empathy.

This means that teaching children to show affection could assist them in developing a sense of empathy.

Los padres deben proporcionar cariño a sus hijos para que se sientan amados.

English translation of Los padres deben proporcionar cariño a sus hijos para que se sientan amados.

Parents should provide affection to their children so they feel loved.

This expresses the sentiment that parents ought to show love to their children so they feel loved.

Proporcionar cariño puede ser un reto para los que no están acostumbrados a expresar sus sentimientos.

English translation of Proporcionar cariño puede ser un reto para los que no están acostumbrados a expresar sus sentimientos.

Delivering affection can be challenging for those not used to expressing their feelings.

This states that for individuals not used to expressing their feelings, showing affection can be difficult.

Nuestra mascota no solo necesita comida, también debemos proporcionar cariño.

English translation of Nuestra mascota no solo necesita comida, también debemos proporcionar cariño.

Our pet needs not only food, we should also provide affection.

This implies that in addition to food, pets also require affection from their owners.

Los refugios para animales se esfuerzan en proporcionar cariño a los que están en su cuidado.

English translation of Los refugios para animales se esfuerzan en proporcionar cariño a los que están en su cuidado.

Animal shelters strive to provide affection to those in their care.

This explains how animal shelters put effort into giving affection to the animals they look after.

Para ser un buen padre, debes proporcionar cariño incondicional a tus hijos.

English translation of Para ser un buen padre, debes proporcionar cariño incondicional a tus hijos.

To be a good parent, you should provide unconditional affection to your children.

This depicts the importance of giving unconditional love to your children in order to be a good parent.

Proporcionar cariño a quien lo necesita puede traer mucha satisfacción.

English translation of Proporcionar cariño a quien lo necesita puede traer mucha satisfacción.

Providing affection to those who need it can bring a lot of satisfaction.

This suggests that showing affection to someone in need can result in a sense of fulfillment.

Un buen amigo siempre trata de proporcionar cariño cuando te sientes triste.

English translation of Un buen amigo siempre trata de proporcionar cariño cuando te sientes triste.

A good friend always tries to provide affection when you're feeling sad.

This states that a true friend will always attempt to give you comfort when you're feeling down.

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