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propaganda electoral

English translation of propaganda electoral

electoral propaganda

The term 'propaganda electoral' in Spanish refers to the spread of information, either in support of or opposition to a political cause, policy or candidate during an election period. It is used by political parties and candidates to influence voters' perspectives and decisions. Similarly, in English, 'electoral propaganda' is communication specifically designed to influence the political viewpoints of potential voters in the period preceding an election.

Example sentences using: propaganda electoral

La propaganda electoral es un componente esencial en cualquier campaña política.

English translation of La propaganda electoral es un componente esencial en cualquier campaña política.

Electoral propaganda is an essential component in any political campaign.

It emphasizes the importance of electoral propaganda in shaping and promoting political campaigns. It is the means by which politicians communicate their messages and promises to the public.

Se prohibe la difusión de propaganda electoral durante el día de reflexión.

English translation of Se prohibe la difusión de propaganda electoral durante el día de reflexión.

The dissemination of electoral propaganda is prohibited on the day of reflection.

In the context of Spain, the day of reflection is the day before elections; during this day, campaigns including electoral propaganda distribution are usually halted to allow the public time to contemplate their vote.

Las redes sociales juegan un papel importante en la propagación de la propaganda electoral.

English translation of Las redes sociales juegan un papel importante en la propagación de la propaganda electoral.

Social networks play an important role in the dissemination of electoral propaganda.

This sentence is explaining how social media is used as a tool for spreading electoral propaganda, reaching a wider and more diverse audience, and potentially influencing the voting decisions.

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