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English translation of proletariado


The Spanish word 'proletariado' is translated into English as 'proletariat'. The proletariat is a term used to describe the class of wage-earners in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor power. Essentially, these are individuals who sell their labor to live and do not own the means of production. Historically, it is a term used heavily in Marxist theories.

Example sentences using: proletariado

La revolución del proletariado es inevitable

English translation of La revolución del proletariado es inevitable

The proletariat revolution is inevitable

This sentence is referring to a popular belief among Marxists that a revolution by the working class (the proletariat) against the capitalist class is not just possible, but inevitable.

El proletariado tiene el control del gobierno en este país

English translation of El proletariado tiene el control del gobierno en este país

The proletariat has control of the government in this country

This phrase describes a situation in which the working class (the proletariat), rather than a small, wealthier elite, controls the government and makes policies and decisions.

El proletariado llegará al poder después de la revolución

English translation of El proletariado llegará al poder después de la revolución

The proletariat will come to power after the revolution

This phrase predicts that after a revolution, the working class (the proletariat) will take over the reins of power. It implies a social and political upheaval that changes the structure of power.

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