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programa electoral

English translation of programa electoral

electoral programme

The Spanish term 'programa electoral' translates to 'electoral programme' in English. An electoral program, also known as a political platform, is a list of the policies that are endorsed by a political party or candidate, which they propose to implement, if they secure the mandate in the elections. It serves as a set of principles, actions, and policy goals that the party or candidate stands for, effectively guiding their stint in office post election.

Example sentences using: programa electoral

El programa electoral de este partido incluye varios puntos interesantes.

English translation of El programa electoral de este partido incluye varios puntos interesantes.

This party's electoral program includes several interesting points.

This sentence is making a statement regarding the electoral program of a specific political party, suggesting that it contains various points which the speaker finds intriguing.

La gente está descontenta con el programa electoral propuesto.

English translation of La gente está descontenta con el programa electoral propuesto.

People are dissatisfied with the proposed electoral program.

Here, the sentiment of the public towards the proposed electoral program is described, the public or 'the people' being dissatisfied with the program that has been proposed.

¿Qué opinas del nuevo programa electoral?

English translation of ¿Qué opinas del nuevo programa electoral?

What is your opinion of the new electoral program?

This is a question asking for an individual's opinion, perspective or point of view on the newly presented electoral program. It is asking someone to express their thoughts concerning this new political program.

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