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English translation of producir


The Spanish word 'producir' translates to 'produce' in English. It is generally used in the context of producing goods, crops or results. Like in English, 'producir' can mean both to create something as an output from a process or to cause a particular result or effect.

Example sentences using: producir

Voy a producir mi propio vino

English translation of Voy a producir mi propio vino

I'm going to produce my own wine

This example demonstrates using the verb 'producir' in first person future tense. It communicates a plan or intention to carry out an action (make wine) in the future.

El campo puede producir suficientes cultivos

English translation of El campo puede producir suficientes cultivos

The field can produce enough crops

This example uses 'producir' to refer to what a field is naturally capable of doing - producing crops. It highlights the flexibility of 'producir' in different contexts.

Estoy produciendo una presentación para el seminario

English translation of Estoy produciendo una presentación para el seminario

I am producing a presentation for the seminar

In this case, 'producir' is used in its present continuous form 'produciendo', indicating an ongoing action taking place in the present moment.

La fábrica produce mil coches al día

English translation of La fábrica produce mil coches al día

The factory produces a thousand cars a day

Here, 'producir' is used to talk about a habitual action or ongoing state in the present that happens with frequency.

Mi granja produce las mejores frutas de la región

English translation of Mi granja produce las mejores frutas de la región

My farm produces the best fruits in the region

This sentence uses 'producir' to describe the ongoing action of a farm, usually over a longer period of time.

Este tipo de lámpara produce demasiado calor

English translation of Este tipo de lámpara produce demasiado calor

This type of lamp produces too much heat

In this case, 'producir' is used to describe an ongoing effect of an object, which is the lamp producing heat.

Si trabajas duro, podrás producir buenos resultados

English translation of Si trabajas duro, podrás producir buenos resultados

If you work hard, you will be able to produce good results

In this sentence, 'producir' is used in a future form, indicating the potential outcome of work, which is good results.

La planta ha dejado de producir flores

English translation of La planta ha dejado de producir flores

The plant has stopped producing flowers

This sentence uses 'producir' to describe a negative change in an ongoing action or state.

Estas acciones van a producir un cambio

English translation of Estas acciones van a producir un cambio

These actions are going to produce a change

This example showcases 'producir' in future tense, indicating the potential result of actions, which is a change.

Han producido muchos errores en el sistema

English translation of Han producido muchos errores en el sistema

They have produced many errors in the system

This example shows the verb in present perfect tense which is used to talk about actions completed in the recent past that still have an effect in the present.

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