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English translation of princesa


The Spanish word 'princesa' translates to 'princess' in English. This term is often used in the context of royal or noble rank, or informal address. In stories, a princess is usually a high- ranking female element of royalty, typically the daughter of a king or queen. They are often depicted in fairy tales or other historical narratives.

Example sentences using: princesa

La princesa está en el castillo.

English translation of La princesa está en el castillo.

The princess is in the castle.

This sentence uses 'princesa' as subject and it gives information about the location of the princess, indicating that she is in the castle.

Ella quiere ser una princesa.

English translation of Ella quiere ser una princesa.

She wants to be a princess.

In this phrase, 'princesa' is used as the object of the sentence. The speaker is expressing a desire or aspiration of a girl to become a princess.

Es un vestido de princesa.

English translation of Es un vestido de princesa.

It's a princess dress.

In this example, 'princesa' is used as an adjective to describe the dress. The phrase suggests that the dress is of a style or design that is fit for a princess or looks like something a princess would wear.

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