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prima del seguro

English translation of prima del seguro

insurance premium

The Spanish term 'prima del seguro' is translated into English as 'insurance premium'. This is the amount of money that an individual or business pays for an insurance policy. The insurance premium is income for the insurance company, once it is earned, and also represents a liability in that it must provide coverage for claims being made against the policy.

Example sentences using: prima del seguro

La prima del seguro que estoy pagando es demasiado alta.

English translation of La prima del seguro que estoy pagando es demasiado alta.

The premium I am paying for insurance is too high.

This sentence is expressing dissatisfaction with the amount the speaker has to pay for their insurance.

Si no pago la prima del seguro, mi política será cancelada.

English translation of Si no pago la prima del seguro, mi política será cancelada.

If I do not pay the insurance premium, my policy will be cancelled.

The speaker is stating a condition and its consequence. The condition being if they do not pay their insurance premium, and the outcome being cancellation of their insurance policy.

Débido a la pandemia, la prima del seguro ha aumentado.

English translation of Débido a la pandemia, la prima del seguro ha aumentado.

Due to the pandemic, the insurance premium has increased.

The statement informs us that because of the pandemic, the cost of insurance has risen.

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