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presunto terrorista

English translation of presunto terrorista

alleged terrorist

The Spanish term 'presunto terrorista' translates to 'alleged terrorist' in English. This term is often used in legal or official contexts, when a person is suspected of having committed acts of terrorism, but such allegations have not yet been proven in a court of law. Therefore, the use of the term 'presunto' is significant as it indicates that the person is presumed or supposed to be a terrorist, but not yet legally declared as such.

Example sentences using: presunto terrorista

El detenido es un presunto terrorista.

English translation of El detenido es un presunto terrorista.

The detainee is a suspected terrorist.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone who has been detained or arrested is thought to be a terrorist.

La policía ha identificado al presunto terrorista.

English translation of La policía ha identificado al presunto terrorista.

The police have identified the suspected terrorist.

This statement is often used when police or authorities are announcing that they have identified someone they suspect of terrorism.

La comunidad vive con miedo del presunto terrorista.

English translation of La comunidad vive con miedo del presunto terrorista.

The community lives in fear of the suspected terrorist.

This sentence describes a situation where a community is living in fear due to a person who is suspected of being involved in acts of terrorism.

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