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presunto asesino

English translation of presunto asesino

alleged killer

The Spanish phrase 'presunto asesino' translates to 'alleged killer' in English. This term is used when a person is suspected or accused of a killing or a murder, but the accusation has not been proven in the court of law. It is vital to remember that until a person is proven guilty via legal proceedings, the term 'alleged' must be used to respect the principle of presumption of innocence.

Example sentences using: presunto asesino

El presunto asesino fue detenido por la policía

English translation of El presunto asesino fue detenido por la policía

The alleged murderer was arrested by the police

In this sentence, 'El presunto asesino' (the alleged murderer) is the subject. 'Fue detenido' (was arrested) is the verb, and 'por la policía' (by the police) is an adverbial phrase explaining who performed the action.

El caso se complica debido a la fuga del presunto asesino

English translation of El caso se complica debido a la fuga del presunto asesino

The case gets complicated due to the escape of the alleged murderer

In this context, 'El caso' (the case) is the subject, 'se complica' (gets complicated) is the reflexive verb indicating changes in the subject's state, and 'debido a la fuga del presunto asesino' (due to the escape of the alleged murderer) is a prepositional phrase modifying the verb to show cause.

Se encontraron pruebas contra el presunto asesino

English translation of Se encontraron pruebas contra el presunto asesino

Evidence was found against the alleged murderer

In this example, 'Se encontraron pruebas' (evidence was found) is the passive voice verb phrase where the subject follows the verb. 'Contra el presunto asesino' (against the alleged murderer) is a prepositional phrase modifying the verb to show who the evidence is against.

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