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presidir (un) gobierno

English translation of presidir (un) gobierno

preside over (a) government

The Spanish term 'presidir (un) gobierno' refers to the act of leading or occupying the highest position in the government, equivalent in English to 'preside over (a) government'. This includes activities like decision-making, setting policy direction, and representing the government at official events or in diplomatic matters.

Example sentences using: presidir (un) gobierno

La decisión de quién debería presidir un gobierno no es fácil de tomar.

English translation of La decisión de quién debería presidir un gobierno no es fácil de tomar.

The decision of who should preside over a government is not easy to make.

This sentence is discussing the complexities that are involved in choosing the person who should take on the role of leading a government, such as a President.

A menudo es controversial cuando una figura controversial desea presidir un gobierno.

English translation of A menudo es controversial cuando una figura controversial desea presidir un gobierno.

It is often controversial when a controversial figure wants to preside over a government.

This sentence introduces a hypothetical situation in which someone who is already a polarizing figure expresses the desire to become the leader of a government.

La responsabilidad de presidir un gobierno recae en los líderes elegidos por los ciudadanos.

English translation of La responsabilidad de presidir un gobierno recae en los líderes elegidos por los ciudadanos.

The responsibility to preside over a government falls on the leaders chosen by the citizens.

This sentence is describing the democratic process wherein the citizens of a country elect the leaders who will take on the responsibility of presiding over the government.

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