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presidente en funciones

English translation of presidente en funciones

Acting President

The Spanish term 'presidente en funciones' translates to 'acting president' in English. This term is often used in a political context, referring to an individual who is temporarily filling in the role of a president, often due to the absence, incapacity, or death of the substantive president. 'Presidente en funciones' can also pertain to a person who holds the office until a new president is elected or appointed.

Example sentences using: presidente en funciones

El presidente en funciones debe firmar el documento.

English translation of El presidente en funciones debe firmar el documento.

The acting president must sign the document.

This sentence implies a duty that the acting president has to fulfill in this case, signing a document. It suggests a situation where the regular president is unavailable, so the duties fall to the acting president.

A todos les gustaría conocer al presidente en funciones.

English translation of A todos les gustaría conocer al presidente en funciones.

Everyone would like to meet the acting president.

This sentence indicates a context where people are interested in meeting the person who is temporarily fulfilling the duties of the president, possibly implying a shift or interim situation in political power.

El presidente en funciones planea hacer cambios significativos.

English translation of El presidente en funciones planea hacer cambios significativos.

The acting president plans to make significant changes.

In this example, it expresses that the acting president has intentions to implement substantial reforms or adjustments. This refers to the decision-making power that comes with the role, even when temporarily filling it.

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