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preservar el medio ambiente

English translation of preservar el medio ambiente

preserving the environment

The phrase 'preservar el medio ambiente' in Spanish translates to 'preserving the environment' in English. It signifies the important action of taking care of the natural world. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts including discussions on nature conservation, health, climate change, and policy making. In daily life, it reminds us to make choices that are eco-friendly and sustainable, hence contributing to the preservation of our environment.

Example sentences using: preservar el medio ambiente

Debemos preservar el medio ambiente para las generaciones futuras.

English translation of Debemos preservar el medio ambiente para las generaciones futuras.

We must preserve the environment for future generations.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of environmental preservation for the benefits of the generations yet to come.

Es nuestro deber preservar el medio ambiente.

English translation of Es nuestro deber preservar el medio ambiente.

It is our duty to preserve the environment.

This statement suggests that everyone is responsible for environmental preservation.

Las empresas deben implementar políticas para preservar el medio ambiente.

English translation of Las empresas deben implementar políticas para preservar el medio ambiente.

Companies must implement policies to preserve the environment.

This sentence underscores the role of corporations in protecting the environment.

La educación es una herramienta poderosa para preservar el medio ambiente.

English translation of La educación es una herramienta poderosa para preservar el medio ambiente.

Education is a powerful tool to preserve the environment.

This sentence emphasizes the role of education in environmental preservation.

Nuestros hijos aprenden en la escuela sobre la importancia de preservar el medio ambiente.

English translation of Nuestros hijos aprenden en la escuela sobre la importancia de preservar el medio ambiente.

Our children learn in school about the importance of preserving the environment.

This sentence accentuates the role of education in teaching the younger generation about environmental preservation.

Nuestras acciones diarias pueden ayudar a preservar el medio ambiente.

English translation of Nuestras acciones diarias pueden ayudar a preservar el medio ambiente.

Our daily actions can help preserve the environment.

This sentence talks about how day-to-day activities can have an impact on environmental preservation.

Si preservamos el medio ambiente, podemos mitigar los efectos del cambio climático.

English translation of Si preservamos el medio ambiente, podemos mitigar los efectos del cambio climático.

If we preserve the environment, we can mitigate the effects of climate change.

This sentence connects environmental preservation with climate change mitigation.

Cada pequeño paso que tomamos para preservar el medio ambiente hace la diferencia.

English translation of Cada pequeño paso que tomamos para preservar el medio ambiente hace la diferencia.

Every small step we take to preserve the environment makes a difference.

This sentence encourages small but consistent actions towards environmental preservation.

Si queremos preservar el medio ambiente, debemos disminuir nuestro consumo de plástico.

English translation of Si queremos preservar el medio ambiente, debemos disminuir nuestro consumo de plástico.

If we want to preserve the environment, we have to reduce our plastic consumption.

This sentence discusses one of the actions one can take to help preserve the environment.

Al preservar el medio ambiente, estamos protegiendo nuestra salud y la de nuestras familias.

English translation of Al preservar el medio ambiente, estamos protegiendo nuestra salud y la de nuestras familias.

By preserving the environment, we are protecting our health and that of our families.

This sentence connects preserving the environment with protecting the health of individuals and their families.

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