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English translation of presente


The word 'presente' in Spanish is used exactly similar to 'present' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as indicating time, denoting gift or referring to presence. The context will dictate its connotation. For instance, 'Estoy presente' means 'I am present'; 'El regalo está presente' means 'The gift is present'. It is also used in conjugation of verbs to describe the present tense.

Example sentences using: presente

Estoy presente en el salón.

English translation of Estoy presente en el salón.

I am present in the room.

Here 'presente' is used to indicate the presence of someone or something at a location. 'Estoy' is the verb 'to be' in the first person and 'salón' means 'room'.

Dime si estás presente.

English translation of Dime si estás presente.

Tell me if you are present.

In this case, 'presente' is being used again to indicate presence in a particular place or situation. 'Dime' means 'tell me' and 'si estás' means 'if you are'.

Siempre estoy presente para ayudarte.

English translation of Siempre estoy presente para ayudarte.

I am always present to help you.

This sentence uses 'presente' to express the idea of being continuously available or accessible for helping somebody.

El presente no siempre es claro.

English translation of El presente no siempre es claro.

The present is not always clear.

Here 'presente' refers to the current time. This sentence highlights that the situation or circumstances of the current time (presente) may not always be clear or easy to understand.

¿Estás presente en el concierto?

English translation of ¿Estás presente en el concierto?

Are you present at the concert?

This sentence is asking someone if they are currently at the concert. 'Presente' is used here to check someone's presence in a specific location.

La historia se repite en el presente.

English translation of La historia se repite en el presente.

History repeats itself in the present.

In this example, 'presente' is referring to the current times in contrast to the past (history). This phrase is often used to describe situations where past events or patterns seem to be recurring in the present.

Vivir en el presente es importante.

English translation of Vivir en el presente es importante.

Living in the present is important.

In this context, 'presente' is referring to 'now', or the current moment. The phrase emphasizes the idea of giving importance to the current time or moment rather than worrying about the past or future.

He estado presente en todas las reuniones.

English translation of He estado presente en todas las reuniones.

I have been present at all the meetings.

Here, 'presente' is used to indicate one's attendance or presence at various meetings. This sentence communicates that the speaker has not missed any meetings.

El futuro depende del presente.

English translation of El futuro depende del presente.

The future depends on the present.

Here, 'presente' signifies the current time or moment. The phrase imparts a wisdom that the future is shaped by our actions in the present.

El presente es un regalo.

English translation of El presente es un regalo.

The present is a gift.

This phrase is a play on two different meanings of the word 'presente'. In this context, 'presente' means 'present' as in the current moment in time, and 'regalo' means 'gift'.

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