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English translation of precio


The Spanish word for 'price' is 'precio'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, to denote the cost of an item or service. For instance, 'El precio de este vestido es alto' translates to 'The price of this dress is high' in English. You can also use it to ask about the price, '¿Cuál es el precio?' means 'What is the price?'.

Example sentences using: precio

El precio de la fruta es muy alto

English translation of El precio de la fruta es muy alto

The price of the fruit is very high

Used to express disapproval about the cost of a product, in this case, fruit.

¿Cuál es el precio de este coche?

English translation of ¿Cuál es el precio de este coche?

What is the price of this car?

A question someone may ask when expressing interest in buying a car.

No tienes que preocuparte por el precio

English translation of No tienes que preocuparte por el precio

You don't have to worry about the price

A phrase someone might tell another person if they are offering to cover an expense.

El precio es negociable

English translation of El precio es negociable

The price is negotiable

A commonly used phrase in a selling process, indicating flexibility with the quoted price.

Pago cualquier precio por tu amor

English translation of Pago cualquier precio por tu amor

I would pay any price for your love

A romantic sentiment expressing that one values love above all costs.

El precio de la libertad es alto

English translation of El precio de la libertad es alto

The price of freedom is high

A philosophical phrase stating that freedom often requires considerable personal cost or sacrifice.

La calidad tiene su precio

English translation of La calidad tiene su precio

Quality has its price

A common phrase expressing that higher quality often comes with a higher cost.

No puedo pagar ese precio

English translation of No puedo pagar ese precio

I can't pay that price

A refusal phrase used when someone considers an item too expensive.

Ese precio no es justo

English translation of Ese precio no es justo

That price is not fair

This phrase communicates that the speaker believes the cost of something to be unreasonable.

Necesito conocer el precio antes de comprarlo

English translation of Necesito conocer el precio antes de comprarlo

I need to know the price before buying it

Stresses the importance of knowing the cost of an item prior to purchase.

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