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English translation of prado


The Spanish word 'prado' translates to 'meadow' in English. It refers to a field habitat vegetated by grass and other non-woody plants, often found in rural areas where they are primarily used for grazing by wild and domesticated animals. The blend of beautiful wildflowers, tall grasses and diverse fauna often makes 'prado' a subject in literature and painting, symbolizing nature's quiet but thriving life away from urban landscapes.

Example sentences using: prado

El prado es un lugar tranquilo para leer

English translation of El prado es un lugar tranquilo para leer

The meadow is a quiet place to read

This sentence depicts a scenery where a meadow provides a peaceful environment for reading.

La casa tiene vista al prado

English translation of La casa tiene vista al prado

The house has a view to the meadow

This sentence describes a house that has a scenic view overlooking a meadow.

El prado es amplio y verde

English translation of El prado es amplio y verde

The meadow is wide and green

Used to describe the characteristics of a meadow; in this case, vast and green.

Vamos a pasear por el prado

English translation of Vamos a pasear por el prado

Let's go for a walk in the meadow

This sentence is an invitation or a suggestion to go for a walk through a meadow.

Hay un prado detrás de la casa

English translation of Hay un prado detrás de la casa

There is a meadow behind the house

This sentence expresses a geographical orientation, stating that there is a meadow behind a certain house.

El prado está lleno de flores

English translation of El prado está lleno de flores

The meadow is full of flowers

This sentence is used when indicating a meadow is covered or filled with flowers.

Los niños juegan en el prado

English translation of Los niños juegan en el prado

The children play in the meadow

Used when describing a situation where children are playing in an open, grassy area known as a meadow.

Los prados son perfectos para un picnic

English translation of Los prados son perfectos para un picnic

Meadows are perfect for a picnic

The sentence lists meadows as an ideal location for outdoor dining or a picnic.

El prado está cubierto de nieve en invierno

English translation of El prado está cubierto de nieve en invierno

The meadow is covered in snow in the winter

The sentence describes a typical winter scene in which a meadow is covered in snow.

El sol se refleja hermosamente en el prado

English translation of El sol se refleja hermosamente en el prado

The sun reflects beautifully on the meadow

This sentence is used to describe a lovely scene where the sun's rays are reflected on the meadow.

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