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English translation of pradera


The Spanish word 'pradera' translates to 'prairie' in English. A prairie is a type of landscape that is characterized by large open areas of grassland, often with few to no trees. It's a term used especially in the context of North America, referring to the ecosystem type found in regions like the Central United States and Canada. Thus, if you hear or see the word 'pradera' in Spanish, it is referring to this kind of natural environment.

Example sentences using: pradera

La pradera es una fuente de vida para muchos animales.

English translation of La pradera es una fuente de vida para muchos animales.

The prairie is a source of life for many animals.

This sentence highlights the ecological value of prairies. Prairies are ecosystems that serve as habitats for a wide range of animal species, providing them with food, shelter, and breeding grounds.

Vivo cerca de una hermosa pradera.

English translation of Vivo cerca de una hermosa pradera.

I live near a beautiful prairie.

This sentence depicts the speaker's proximity to a prairie, implying a surrounding that's potentially rural or semi-rural. Prairies are often considered beautiful due to their expansive nature and diverse flora and fauna.

Jugamos fútbol en la pradera durante el verano.

English translation of Jugamos fútbol en la pradera durante el verano.

We play football on the prairie during the summer.

The sentence is about a group of people who use the prairie as a recreational area for playing football during the summer. This usage portrays prairies as versatile open spaces suitable for various activities.

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