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practicar la religión

English translation of practicar la religión

practice religion

The Spanish phrase 'practicar la religión' translates to 'practice religion' in English. It is a verb phrase that refers to the act of following, observing, or performing religious customs, rituals, or beliefs. This may involve various activities such as attending religious services, praying, reading religious texts, or participating in religious activities or community. Its usage in a sentence in Spanish might be 'Ella decide practicar la religión de sus abuelos.' which means 'She decides to practice her grandparents' religion.' in English.

Example sentences using: practicar la religión

Es importante practicar la religión de una manera que sea coherente con tus creencias.

English translation of Es importante practicar la religión de una manera que sea coherente con tus creencias.

It is important to practice religion in a way that is consistent with your beliefs.

This phrase emphasizes the significance of aligning your religious practices with your own personal beliefs, suggesting that the practice of religion should be a personal and conscious choice.

Para muchos, practicar la religión es una forma esencial para mantener su bienestar mental y emocional.

English translation of Para muchos, practicar la religión es una forma esencial para mantener su bienestar mental y emocional.

For many, practicing religion is an essential way to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.

In this phrase, it highlights that religion could be a source of comfort and stability for many people, affecting their mental and emotional well-being in a positive way.

Algunas personas encuentran difícil practicar la religión cuando están lejos de casa.

English translation of Algunas personas encuentran difícil practicar la religión cuando están lejos de casa.

Some people find it difficult to practice religion when they are away from home.

This phrase points out the challenges that certain individuals encounter when trying to maintain religious practices while away from their familiar environment, usually home.

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