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English translation of posible


The word 'Posible' in Spanish is used similarly as the English word 'possible'. It can be used to indicate that something may happen or be true. It can also be used to suggest that someone has the ability to do something. The context determines its exact meaning each time it is used.

Example sentences using: posible

Es posible que llueva mañana.

English translation of Es posible que llueva mañana.

It's possible it may rain tomorrow.

This sentence expresses a possibility about an event which in this case is 'it may rain tomorrow'. 'Es posible que' translates to 'It's possible that', setting the tone of uncertainty or possibility.

No es posible cruzar la calle ahora.

English translation of No es posible cruzar la calle ahora.

It is not possible to cross the street now.

This sentence uses 'No es posible' which translates to 'It is not possible' to express the impossibility of an action taking place, in this case 'crossing the street now'.

El viaje es posible si tienes dinero.

English translation of El viaje es posible si tienes dinero.

The trip is possible if you have money.

This statement is used to express that the possibility of an event (in this case 'the trip') is contingent upon a certain condition ('if you have money').

Hacer ejercicio regularmente es posible.

English translation of Hacer ejercicio regularmente es posible.

Doing regular exercise is possible.

This sentence simply uses 'es posible' (is possible) to say that something is feasible, in this case, 'doing regular exercise'.

Es posible aprender español fácilmente.

English translation of Es posible aprender español fácilmente.

It's possible to learn Spanish easily.

In this example, 'es posible' communicates the idea that the action of 'learning Spanish easily' is doable.

¿Es posible reservar una mesa para cuatro?

English translation of ¿Es posible reservar una mesa para cuatro?

Is it possible to reserve a table for four?

This sentence uses '¿Es posible?' to inquire about the possibility of a specific action, which is 'reserving a table for four'. It's often used in service-oriented situations.

Es posible que deba trabajar el sábado.

English translation of Es posible que deba trabajar el sábado.

It's possible that I might have to work on Saturday.

Here, 'Es posible que' is used to express the possibility of an event, which is 'I might have to work on Saturday'. The undertone of uncertainty is present with this phrase.

Según el médico, es posible que ella se recupere pronto.

English translation of Según el médico, es posible que ella se recupere pronto.

According to the doctor, it's possible that she will recover soon.

In this case, 'Es posible que' is used to relay the probability of an outcome based on a reliable source, here the doctor believes 'she will recover soon'.

Con la actitud correcta, todo es posible.

English translation of Con la actitud correcta, todo es posible.

With the right attitude, everything is possible.

This sentence uses 'todo es posible' (everything is possible) to express the unlimited possibilities when one has 'the right attitude'. It's a motivational phrase common in many languages.

¿Es posible ir al cine más tarde?

English translation of ¿Es posible ir al cine más tarde?

Is it possible to go to the cinema later?

Here the phrase '¿Es posible?' is used to inquire about the possibility of an action which is 'going to the cinema later'. Usually, it is used to ask for permission or to inquire about feasibility.

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