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English translation of porque


In Spanish, the word 'porque' is predominantly used as a conjunction to indicate a reason or justification, similar to how 'because' is used in English. It links two related thoughts, the cause and the effect or the justification and the action. For example, if you say 'Comí pizza porque tenía hambre', it translates to 'I ate pizza because I was hungry', essentially linking the action (eating pizza) with the reason (being hungry). Always remember, when providing a reason in Spanish, 'porque' is your go-to word.

Example sentences using: porque

Él no puede ir a la escuela porque está enfermo.

English translation of Él no puede ir a la escuela porque está enfermo.

He can't go to school because he is sick.

The conjunction 'porque' is used here to show the reason why he can't go to school.

Debemos conservar agua porque es un recurso limitado.

English translation of Debemos conservar agua porque es un recurso limitado.

We should conserve water because it is a limited resource.

The conjunction 'porque' is used to give a reason for conserving water.

María y José se casaron porque se aman.

English translation of María y José se casaron porque se aman.

Maria and Jose got married because they love each other.

'Porque' in this sentence explains the reason behind Maria and Jose's decision to get married.

No voy a comer porque no tengo hambre.

English translation of No voy a comer porque no tengo hambre.

I'm not going to eat because I'm not hungry.

The conjunction 'porque' is used to explain the reason for not eating - lack of hunger.

Tenemos que llegar temprano porque el show empieza a las 8 en punto.

English translation of Tenemos que llegar temprano porque el show empieza a las 8 en punto.

We have to arrive early because the show starts at 8 o'clock sharp.

The word 'porque' is used to provide the reason for the need to arrive early.

Él no obtuvo la promoción porque no cumplió con los requisitos.

English translation of Él no obtuvo la promoción porque no cumplió con los requisitos.

He didn't get the promotion because he didn't meet the requirements.

In this sentence, 'porque' is used to explain the reason why the person did not get the promotion.

Ella está feliz porque sus hijos están en casa.

English translation of Ella está feliz porque sus hijos están en casa.

She is happy because her children are at home.

The conjunction 'porque' in this sentence gives the reason for her happiness.

No pude terminar el trabajo porque el equipo se rompió.

English translation of No pude terminar el trabajo porque el equipo se rompió.

I couldn't finish the job because the equipment broke.

The word 'porque' is used here to explain the cause of the failure to complete the job.

Cerró la ventana porque empezó a llover.

English translation of Cerró la ventana porque empezó a llover.

He closed the window because it started to rain.

Here, 'porque' is used to explain the reason for the action of closing the window.

Voy a comprar un auto nuevo porque el viejo ya no funciona.

English translation of Voy a comprar un auto nuevo porque el viejo ya no funciona.

I'm going to buy a new car because the old one doesn't work anymore.

'Porque' in this context states the reason behind the decision to buy a new car.

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