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ponerse una vacuna

English translation of ponerse una vacuna

Get a vaccine

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una vacuna' translates to 'get a vaccine' in English. It is often used in the context of healthcare and medicine. Generally, it refers to the act of receiving a medicinal preparation, typically injected, that provides immunity against a specific disease. Vaccines are a significant tool in preventative medicine and public health initiatives worldwide.

Example sentences using: ponerse una vacuna

Hoy, necesito ponerme una vacuna contra la gripe.

English translation of Hoy, necesito ponerme una vacuna contra la gripe.

Today, I need to get a flu vaccine.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing the need to receive a flu vaccine on the current day. The expression 'ponerse una vacuna' is used to convey the action of receiving a vaccine.

Ana debe ponerse una vacuna antes de viajar a África.

English translation of Ana debe ponerse una vacuna antes de viajar a África.

Ana needs to get vaccinated before traveling to Africa.

The sentence communicates that Ana is required to get a vaccine before she proceeds with her travel plans to Africa. Again, 'ponerse una vacuna' is used to depict the action of getting a vaccine.

Es importante que te pongas una vacuna para prevenir enfermedades.

English translation of Es importante que te pongas una vacuna para prevenir enfermedades.

It is important for you to get a vaccine to prevent illnesses.

Here, the phrase is used in an advice context. The speaker suggests to the listener the importance of getting vaccinated (ponerse una vacuna) to prevent possible illnesses.

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