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ponerse una prótesis

English translation of ponerse una prótesis

put on a prosthesis

The Spanish phrase 'ponerse una prótesis' translates to 'put on a prosthesis' in English. In a medical context, a prosthesis is a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes or supplements a missing or defective part of the body. Therefore, 'ponerse una prótesis' refers to the action of attaching such a device on one's body. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, most commonly in medical and health-related discussions.

Example sentences using: ponerse una prótesis

Después de la cirugía, Juan tuvo que ponerse una prótesis.

English translation of Después de la cirugía, Juan tuvo que ponerse una prótesis.

After the surgery, Juan had to put on a prosthesis.

In this sentence, Juan had a surgery that required him to use a prosthetic device afterwards.

¿Cómo te sientes después de ponerse una prótesis?

English translation of ¿Cómo te sientes después de ponerse una prótesis?

How do you feel after putting on a prosthesis?

This question is asking for the feelings of the person after using a prosthetic device, which could refer to their physical comfort or mental state.

Ponerse una prótesis puede mejorar su calidad de vida.

English translation of Ponerse una prótesis puede mejorar su calidad de vida.

Wearing a prosthesis can improve your quality of life.

This statement affirms the positive aspect of using a prosthetic device by saying it can lead to an improved living condition or lifestyle.

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