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poner una multa

English translation of poner una multa

put a fine

The phrase 'poner una multa' in Spanish translates to 'put a fine' in English. The verb 'poner' can be used in a variety of contexts, and specifically in the phrase 'poner una multa', it refers to the action of imposing or assigning a monetary penalty or fine. This phrase is typically used in legal and enforcement situations where a penalty is being imposed for a violation or breach of rules or laws.

Example sentences using: poner una multa

Por estacionar mal, el oficial decidió poner una multa.

English translation of Por estacionar mal, el oficial decidió poner una multa.

For bad parking, the officer decided to issue a fine.

This Spanish sentence uses 'poner una multa' in a situation concerning a parking violation. It shows that wrongdoing has triggered the decision to issue a penalty.

La policía está obligada a poner una multa en casos de exceso de velocidad.

English translation of La policía está obligada a poner una multa en casos de exceso de velocidad.

The police are obligated to issue a fine in cases of speeding.

In the Spanish phrase, 'poner una multa' directly translates to 'issue a fine'. The sentence structure is very similar to English.

Si sigues conduciendo ebrio, tendrán que poner una multa.

English translation of Si sigues conduciendo ebrio, tendrán que poner una multa.

If you keep driving drunk, they will have to issue a fine.

The phrase 'poner una multa' is used in a hypothetical situation in this sentence. It suggests the imposition of a punishment in response to the law being broken.