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poner rumbo a

English translation of poner rumbo a

to set course

The Spanish term 'poner rumbo a' translates as 'to set course' in English. In other words, it means to make a decision about the path, direction or course which one wants to take. This can be used in a literal sense, such as setting course for a physical location during a journey or navigation, but can also be used metaphorically, to express the idea of making important decisions and moving towards a certain goal, plan or aspiration in any area of life.

Example sentences using: poner rumbo a

Después de cenar, voy a poner rumbo a casa.

English translation of Después de cenar, voy a poner rumbo a casa.

After dinner, I am going to head home.

This sentence shows a use of 'poner rumbo a' in expressing the speaker's intention to go home after having dinner.

Vamos a poner rumbo a la playa mañana.

English translation of Vamos a poner rumbo a la playa mañana.

We are going to set course for the beach tomorrow.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'poner rumbo a' in stating future plans or intention. Here, the speaker uses it to express the plan of going to the beach the next day.

El barco va a poner rumbo a América.

English translation of El barco va a poner rumbo a América.

The boat is going to set course for America.

In this context, 'poner rumbo a' is used to express the direction a ship is heading. In this case, the boat is heading towards America.