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poner el intermitente

English translation of poner el intermitente

put the intermittent

'Poner el intermitente' is a Spanish phrase commonly used in the context of driving. It translates to 'put the intermittent' in English, which might not make immediate sense in a direct translation. However, in a practical scenario it essentially means 'turn on the indicator' or 'activate the blinker'. This is typically referred to when a driver is advised or instructed to signal their intent to turn or change lanes on the road.

Example sentences using: poner el intermitente

Antes de girar a la derecha, debes poner el intermitente.

English translation of Antes de girar a la derecha, debes poner el intermitente.

Before turning right, you should turn on the blinker.

This sentence is instructing the driver to turn on the right blinker before making a right turn. In Spanish, the phrase 'poner el intermitente' is often used to refer to turning on the blinker or signal in a car before making a turn or changing lanes.

Para evitar accidentes, siempre debes poner el intermitente.

English translation of Para evitar accidentes, siempre debes poner el intermitente.

To avoid accidents, you should always turn on the blinker.

This sentence stresses the importance of using the blinkers or signal lights in a car to avoid accidents. The phrase 'poner el intermitente' literally translates to 'put the blinker' but it is better understood as 'turn on the blinker' in English.

Si vas a cambiar de carril, no olvides poner el intermitente.

English translation of Si vas a cambiar de carril, no olvides poner el intermitente.

If you are going to change lanes, don't forget to turn on the blinker.

In this example, the speaker is reminding someone to turn on their signal light or blinker before changing lanes. The phrase 'poner el intermitente' means to turn on the blinker, which signals to other drivers that you intend to make a lane change or turn.