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English translation of pomada


The Spanish word 'pomada' translates to 'ointment' in English. In medicine, an ointment is a viscous semisolid preparation that is applied externally to the body. It is used as a treatment or protection of some skin conditions such as minor wounds, burns, rashes, or skin irritation. Just like in English, 'pomada' in Spanish can refer to this pharmaceutical product, illustrating the similarities in use and meaning across both languages.

Example sentences using: pomada

Necesito comprar pomada para mi herida.

English translation of Necesito comprar pomada para mi herida.

I need to buy ointment for my wound.

In this sentence, 'pomada' is used in the context of something needed to treat a wound, referring to a medicinal ointment.

Usa alguna pomada para las quemaduras.

English translation of Usa alguna pomada para las quemaduras.

Use some ointment for the burns.

This sentence suggests the use of 'pomada' or ointment for treating burns, again insinuating medicinal uses for the term.

Mi madre siempre tenía una pomada milagrosa para todo.

English translation of Mi madre siempre tenía una pomada milagrosa para todo.

My mother always had a miraculous ointment for everything.

In this example, the sentence recalls a 'miraculous' ointment that the speaker's mother seemed to have for any ailment, suggesting a common use of 'pomada' in home remedies or old wives' tales.

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