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English translation of poeta


The Spanish word 'poeta' translates to 'poet' in English. A 'poet' is a person who writes poems, which are works of literature that express feelings, ideas or a particular style of writing with the use of language in a rhythmical and emotional way. The term 'poeta' in Spanish is used in a similar context representing an individual who is adept at producing creative writings that may captivate, inspire, or provoke thought in readers.

Example sentences using: poeta

El poeta está escribiendo un poema nuevo.

English translation of El poeta está escribiendo un poema nuevo.

The poet is writing a new poem.

In this example, 'El poeta' means 'The poet'. 'Está escribiendo' is the present continuous form of the verb 'escribir', which means 'to write'. 'Un poema nuevo' means 'a new poem'.

El libro fue escrito por un famoso poeta.

English translation of El libro fue escrito por un famoso poeta.

The book was written by a famous poet.

In this sentence, 'El libro' means 'The book'. 'Fue escrito' is the passive form of 'escribir', which means 'was written'. 'Por un famoso poeta' means 'by a famous poet'. It indicates who wrote the book.

Su poeta favorito es Pablo Neruda.

English translation of Su poeta favorito es Pablo Neruda.

His favorite poet is Pablo Neruda.

This sentence translates to 'His favorite poet is Pablo Neruda'. 'Su poeta favorito' means 'His favorite poet'. 'Es' is the verb 'to be'. And 'Pablo Neruda' is a famous poet, specifically from Chile.

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