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población joven

English translation of población joven

young population

The Spanish term 'población joven' refers to the demographic group typically defined as 'young population' in English. It generally encompasses individuals who fall under a certain age range, typically adolescents and young adults. This term may be used in various contexts, including social, economical, and political discussions to refer to the active and upcoming generation of a specific geographical area or country.

Example sentences using: población joven

La población joven es el futuro de nuestro país.

English translation of La población joven es el futuro de nuestro país.

The young population is the future of our country.

The context of this sentence implies a discussion about the important role of the younger generation for the prosperity and continuity of the country.

Hubo un aumento en la población joven en la última década.

English translation of Hubo un aumento en la población joven en la última década.

There was an increase in the young population in the last decade.

This example talks about a demographic change over a period of time, indicating a growth in the segment of the population that is young.

La población joven se está involucrando más en política.

English translation of La población joven se está involucrando más en política.

The young population is becoming more involved in politics.

This sentence introduces the topic of the younger generation's engagement and participation in political activities or affairs.

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