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English translation of población


The word 'población' is used in Spanish to refer to the total number of people living in a specific geographical area such as a city, country, or the world. It can also refer to a group of individuals of a specific type living in an area. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts, including but not limited to, demography, statistics, and geography.

Example sentences using: población

La población de esta ciudad ha aumentado rápidamente.

English translation of La población de esta ciudad ha aumentado rápidamente.

The population of this city has increased rapidly.

This sentence describes a common scenario in many cities around the world where population growth is fast. 'Población' means population, 'de esta ciudad' refers to 'of this city', 'ha aumentado' means 'has increased' and 'rápidamente' translates to 'rapidly'.

El cambio climático afecta a toda la población.

English translation of El cambio climático afecta a toda la población.

Climate change affects the entire population.

This sentence is connecting the problem of 'climate change' to its wide impact on 'the entire population'. 'Afecta' means 'affects', 'a toda' translates to 'the entire', and 'población' here again means 'population'.

La mayoría de la población vive en ciudades.

English translation of La mayoría de la población vive en ciudades.

The majority of the population lives in cities.

This sentence is commenting on the trend where 'the majority of the population' lives in urban areas. 'La mayoría' means 'the majority', 'vive en' translates to 'lives in', and 'ciudades' is 'cities'.

La población local disfruta de este parque.

English translation of La población local disfruta de este parque.

The local population enjoys this park.

This sentence is stating that 'the local population' enjoys spending time in a certain park. 'Local' means 'local', 'disfruta de' translates to 'enjoys', and 'este parque' is 'this park'.

Nuestra población necesita más recursos.

English translation of Nuestra población necesita más recursos.

Our population needs more resources.

This phrase is expressing a need for 'more resources' for 'our population'. 'Nuestra' means 'our', 'necesita' translates to 'needs', and 'más recursos' is 'more resources'.

La población de España es muy diversa.

English translation of La población de España es muy diversa.

The population of Spain is very diverse.

This sentence is highlighting the diversity in 'the population of Spain'. 'Es' means 'is' and 'muy diversa' translates to 'very diverse'.

La población envejece a un ritmo alarmante.

English translation of La población envejece a un ritmo alarmante.

The population is aging at an alarming rate.

This phrase is expressing concern about the rate at which 'the population' is aging. 'Envejece' means 'is aging', 'a un ritmo' translates to 'at a rate', and 'alarmante' is 'alarming'.

La población juvenil es muy activa.

English translation of La población juvenil es muy activa.

The young population is very active.

This sentence is complementing the 'young population' for being 'very active'. 'Juvenil' translates to 'young' and muy activa' is 'very active'.

La población se concentrará en las áreas urbanas.

English translation of La población se concentrará en las áreas urbanas.

The population will concentrate in urban areas.

This sentence is predicting that in the future 'the population' will be concentrated in 'urban areas'. 'Se concentrará' means 'will concentrate' and 'en las áreas urbanas' translates to 'in urban areas'.

La población mundial está creciendo demasiado rápido.

English translation of La población mundial está creciendo demasiado rápido.

The world population is growing too fast.

This phrase is expressing concern about the rate at which 'the world population' is growing. 'Mundial' means 'world', 'está creciendo' translates to 'is growing', and 'demasiado rápido' is 'too fast'.

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