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pluralidad cultural

English translation of pluralidad cultural

Cultural plurality

The term 'pluralidad cultural' in Spanish translates to 'cultural plurality' in English. This is a term used in social sciences to refer to the presence and equal value of different cultural characteristics in a society. In practice, it represents the acceptance and promotion of diverse cultural expressions within a society. It acknowledges cultural differences as a valuable asset, using it to promote mutual understanding and peace among different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups. It encapsulates the idea that multiple ways of life coexisting harmoniously in one place can enrich society as a whole.

Example sentences using: pluralidad cultural

La pluralidad cultural es un aspecto esencial de nuestras sociedades.

English translation of La pluralidad cultural es un aspecto esencial de nuestras sociedades.

Cultural plurality is an essential aspect of our societies.

This phrase states that cultural diversity, or 'pluralidad cultural', is a vital part of our societies, suggesting that our communities are enriched by a variety of cultural experiences and backgrounds.

Debemos respetar la pluralidad cultural para mantener la paz y la armonía.

English translation of Debemos respetar la pluralidad cultural para mantener la paz y la armonía.

We must respect cultural plurality to maintain peace and harmony.

In the context of this sentence, 'pluralidad cultural' means respect for the diversity of cultures within a group or society. By respecting this diversity, the speaker suggests that peace and harmony can be maintained.

La educación puede ayudarnos a comprender la importancia de la pluralidad cultural.

English translation of La educación puede ayudarnos a comprender la importancia de la pluralidad cultural.

Education can help us understand the importance of cultural plurality.

This sentence is saying that through education, people can gain a better understanding of 'pluralidad cultural', or the importance of a variety of cultures. In this way, education can lead to greater respect and appreciation for cultural diversity.

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