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English translation of plato


A flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge, used to hold food.

Example sentences using: plato

El plato está vacío.

English translation of El plato está vacío.

The dish is empty.

This phrase could be useful in a scenario where one wants to indicate that the dish is empty. 'Vacío' means 'empty .'

El plato está en la mesa.

English translation of El plato está en la mesa.

The dish is on the table.

This phrase is useful in a dining context. 'Plato' in Spanish could mean 'dish' referring to the item used for serving food. 'Está en la mesa' means 'is on the table'.

Ese es mi plato favorito.

English translation of Ese es mi plato favorito.

That is my favorite dish.

Here, 'plato' refers to a favorite meal or dish. 'Ese es mi plato favorito' means 'That is my favorite dish'. Useful when commenting on preferred foods.

El plato está caliente.

English translation of El plato está caliente.

The dish is hot.

A practical phrase when handling food, indicating the dish's temperature. 'Está' means 'it is', and 'caliente' translates as 'hot'.

El plato está frío.

English translation of El plato está frío.

The dish is cold.

Conversely from the previous example, this phrase points out the dish's temperature as being cold. 'Frío' translates to 'cold'.

El plato está lleno.

English translation of El plato está lleno.

The dish is full.

Similar to the previous phrase, only this time we are indicating that the dish is full. 'Lleno' translates to 'full'.

Lava el plato.

English translation of Lava el plato.

Wash the dish.

A useful phrase when instructing someone to wash a dish after eating. 'Lava' is the command form of the verb 'lavar', which means 'to wash'.

Este plato es delicioso.

English translation of Este plato es delicioso.

This dish is delicious.

This phrase can be used when someone finds a dish tasty. The word 'delicioso' translates to 'delicious'.

Preparé este plato para ti.

English translation of Preparé este plato para ti.

I prepared this dish for you.

This sentence could be used when one has prepared food for another person. 'Preparé' is the past tense of 'prepare', 'este plato' translates to 'this dish', and 'para ti' is 'for you'.

Comí en ese plato.

English translation of Comí en ese plato.

I ate on that dish.

The verb 'comí' implies past action, 'en' means 'on', and 'ese plato' refers to 'that dish'. This sentence could be used to point out which dish one used for eating.