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English translation of plata


The word 'plata' in Spanish is translated to 'silver' in English. It refers to both the precious metal known for its shiny white hue and the color that resembles this metal. In some contexts, it can also denote money or wealth, showing its cultural significance. The term is widely used in various fields such as jewelry, finance, and color description. Understanding this term can help understand many Spanish phrases and idioms.

Example sentences using: plata

No todo lo que brilla es plata.

English translation of No todo lo que brilla es plata.

Not everything that glitters is silver.

This is a Spanish idiom similar to the English, 'Not all that glitters is gold', meaning that not everything that looks valuable or good is actually that way.

Está forrado en plata.

English translation of Está forrado en plata.

He is lined with silver.

This phrase is a metaphor used to indicate that a person is very wealthy. The reference to being 'lined with silver' is an allusion to having a lot of money.

Tomaré un té de plata.

English translation of Tomaré un té de plata.

I will have a silver tea.

This sentence could be used in a metaphorical context, the term 'silver tea' could refer to a type of high quality or luxurious tea. However, usually, the 'plata' in 'té de plata' refers to the name of the tea, like 'Silver Needle White Tea'.